Loved by Jean Cocteau and Zsa Zsa Gabor
by Patrick Bradbury
April 02, 2020
Duke & Duchess of Windsor
Her Majesty the Empress of Iran
Sacha Guitry
Jean Cocteau
Michel Deon
Admiral Barjot
B. Deutsch of Meurthe
Zaza Gabor
General and Mrs. Gooasguen
Mr. and Mrs. Colbert
Dr. and Mrs. Lacoste
Guy, Mireille, and Maud Michel Halimi
Michel DEON wrote:
“All periods of his art will fit into each other, as a lesson of honesty, intelligence, enthusiasm. Nothing will be lost.
We will discover in hindsight it takes its Work is one of the strongest of our time,
one of the most demanding in wealthy outside. “
“He is a poet that man there, a poet and a great knowledge of the painter.”
Jean CHABANON, Writer and Art Critic.
“Henri Laville remains close to his dreams and his portraits of children exert on us exquisite puisance hallucinatory dolls …”
Jean Cocteau
“I can not say how his paintings have made me happy.”
Doctor Pomiane
“Henri Laville, the sentimental magic of colors, knows how to touch the heart, soul and mind.”
Georges Duhamel, of the French Academy.
“Henri Laville, this angel of fantasy.”
Raymond CHARMET, Art Critic.
“Many art lovers do not hesitate to consider Henri Laville Watteau as the twentieth century.”
Raphael Valensi, Expert and Art Critic