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Andy Warhol's Dadaist Recounting of the Man Ray Photoshoot

Andy Warhol's Dadaist Recounting of the Man Ray Photoshoot

by Patrick Bradbury

April 18, 2022


Andy Warhol's Dadaist Recounting of the Man Ray Photoshoot

by Patrick Bradbury

April 18, 2022

Andy Warhol's Dadaist Recounting of the Man Ray Photoshoot

Andy Warhol truly made the very most of any given moment. Wether or not he was a part of that moment, his work memorialized culture and created a new iconography. In film footage, like the clip below, Andy seemed to understand the potential of creating an impression of the present that would endure. Always with a camera and I'm sure some sort of marker so he could sign, or have things signed, Andy was never not making art. 

In reference to the lithograph of Man Ray, signed by Andy Warhol, the video below was shot at the Paris apartment of Man Ray where Andy Warhol was photographing the artist. A video crew was present and asked Andy to tell them about his shoot with Man Ray. (full transcript below)

“Uh…Man Ray was this wonderful person that uh…that uh... Luciano... Luciano Anselmino introduced me to. And he was uh... really cute. And uh... the only thing I can really remember is... is a toilet. Because on his toilet he had uh... this stocking and uh... it was just so great because it was... it was the only toilet I ever knew that had a covering on it. And uh... the... his place was so cold but he was so rich and uh... and it looked like a little tenement but it was next door to the richest house in Paris. And he was really cute. He took a picture of me and I took a picture of him and then he took another picture of me and I took another picture of him and he took another picture of me and I took another picture of him and he took another picture of me and I took another picture of him and he took another picture of me and then I took the one of him and then I took one of Dino and then Dino took one of me and then I took one of Dino again and then Dino took another one of me and Man Ray. And then Man Ray took one of me and Dino. And then Dino took another one of Man Ray and me. And then I took one of Luchia... Luciano. And then Luciano took one of me and Man Ray. And then Man Ray took one uh... of me and Dino and Luciano. And I think his wife got in this time. And then... then he took a picture of Fred Hughes. And then he took a picture of me again. And I took another Polaroid of him. And then we had the Super X... the camera 70... Super 70-X uh... And then I took one of um... uh... And then I took another picture of Man Ray and then I took another one of Man Ray and then I took another one of Man Ray. Then I took another with my uh... uh... with my funny camera. What’s it called? The funny camera? It’s called the uh... the portrait camera. And so I took another one of Man Ray and I took another one of Man Ray and I took another one of Man Ray. And then I think he signed one... one of them. And then I took another one of Man Ray. I took another picture of Man Ray, another Polaroid portrait of Man Ray and another Polaroid portrait of Man Ray, another Polaroid portrait of Man Ray and then another Polaroid portrait of Man Ray and then I took another Polaroid portrait of Man Ray and then I took another Polaroid portrait of Man Ray. And then I took another portrait. And then I think he took another portrait of me and then he signed that one for me and I put it in my sss... in my Brownie shopping bag. And then I had to go back and look at the toilet seat again because it was the best thing in the apartment. And uh... if Luciano really loved me he would get me the toilet seat. We’re now pausing for identification. Okay. Here we go again. It’s... And then I remembered. I uh... dropped my camera and then I had to pick it up again and then I thought, well, gee, you know, Man Ray, I mean I only loved him because of his name, to be very truthful. That was the only... I thought his name was the best thing about him. Until I met him. And uh... He had the best name. Well, I was... I... I just thought and I’d met him once uh... I think he wrote a book. And he... he... he uh... he said he was from Philadelphia and he made up his name and then I really was so disappointed because I found out his name was uh... Schwartz and uh... and uh.... now they tell me his name is Rabinovitz. And uh... And so then I took another picture of him. And I took another picture of him. And I think I took another picture of him. I took another one and another one and another one. Then I had to change my roll of cam... film because that was eight in... eight in a roll so then I put it in, pulled out the black thing and then I took another picture of him and another picture and another picture and then I put a light bulb in and another picture and another picture and another picture and another picture and another picture and another picture and then I put... That was eight pictures. And then I had to change my camera again and I took a SX-70 and then I put a whole roll in and I got ten... ten pictures out of that and then he put a cigar in his mouth, because Luciano handed him a cigar and he liked to smoke cigars. I think they were friends because Luciano brought him the best cigars and uh... in town. And actually the cigar was bigger than he was because he’d... he’d gotten very... very bent over. And... or maybe very uh... He looked like he was always far out but uh... I think it was just because he was bent over. And then I gave him uh... I put another... I took ten of the uh... SX-70s and then I took uh... changed it to the portrait camera and uh... I had him smoke the cigar and then I took four more pictures and put some more light bulbs in and then I took... I took four more pictures and uh... put some more light bulbs in and then I put in some more. And then Dino was taking some more pictures and uh... That was really fun. And uh... and Man Ray had the most beautiful uh... wife. God. And uh... he was so adorable. And uh... And uh... We uh...”
From I’ll Be Your Mirror: The Selected Andy Warhol Interviews, 1962-1987. Edited by Kenneth Goldsmith. Published by Carroll & Graf, 2004

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